tip tuesday: curls for days

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[lips: lime crime velvetine in wicked; hair courtesy of the curling wand-wielding angels.]

Let's start this post off with a story about how weird I am, shall we? It all began way back in 1743... Just kidding.

Okay, really though, I used to be psychotic about straightening my hair. My friend, J, who I've known for almost six years now, talks to this day about how I have this nervous tick where I pat the back of my hair to make sure it's as board straight and un-volumized as possible. Like... What? What even IS that? So strange. It's not like the patting motion is going to straighten my hair out any more than it already is. Like my hands are 450 degree straighteners or something? Sigh... I digress. 

So anyways, I just recently I got into wearing my hair curly. And by curly, I mean wavy in that third-day-unwashed-bedhead kind of style. Side note: Do you know how crazy you look if you have a bob, and you curl your hair into ringlets? GURL. STOP IT. 

With daily touch ups, I was getting away with wearing my hair wavy for about four days. But then I read a tip from Kristen Ess over at the Beauty Department. She said that if you want your waves to last and last, do not blow-dry your hair. The idea is that if you blow-dry your hair and then curl it, you're giving your hair mixed signals. You're telling it to simmer down and straighten out and then you're like, "girl, get crazy up in here! Why are you so straight!?" 

The past few times I've washed my hair, let it air dry, and then curled it, it seriously looked like tiny curling wand-wielding angels did my hair and then sprayed it with magical never-fall hairspray. I haven't touched it up at all, either. This tip is great if you live in a humid/wet state, as well. My curls withstood the entire day yesterday, and it was a rainy, crappy disaster outside.

Another tip: sleep on your hair/with your cats like a crazy person so you get that homeless-chic look. That, my friends, was a freebie.


  1. i want to try this but my hair takes like 9 hours to air dry in Houston...

  2. I've officially lived without a straightener for 3 months. It was touch and go for a while, but I actually think my hair looks better when I don't use it...


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