a reflection

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In 2014, I started this blog. I had no clue what I was doing, and to be perfectly honest, I still don't. I thought I was supposed to blog five days a week. I thought I was supposed to host givewaways. I thought I would have more subscribers. I thought it would be all fun and games. I thought content would come to me instantaneously. I thought, I thought, I thought. But the bottom line is that nothing can really prepare you for blogging. It's this weird, up-in-the-air, do-whatever-the-hell-you-want kind of thing, which is practically impossible to prepare for. 

But through all of it, I'd like to think I've learned something. I learned that I can't blog five days a week, because as annoying as it is, I have a full-time job as a lawyer, and sometimes I don't have the energy or time to write a post every single day after work. I learned that my blog is small, and that's okay. So what if I don't have the most subscribers (I have one, to be exact), and so what if not a single person entered my December giveaway, at least I started this damn thing after years and years of hemming and hawing about whether or not I should. I learned I'm not great at photography, and I don't have great equipment either (**goes to Amazon and orders 50 books about photography**). I learned that coming up with new and interesting content is a pain in the ass. But I also learned, that despite how much work goes into this thing, I love it, and I've had a lot of fun. It's given me a chance to write, it's given me a chance to design, and it's given me a chance to use my damn undergraduate degrees for once. 

So for 2015, here's what I want for Navy or Nothing:
To post three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday),
To grow my online presence through Twitter and Instagram,
To gain a larger following,
To produce better quality content,
To make the blog's design more clean and sophisticated,
To incorporate more subject matter, and
To have fun.

So, now that I'm done rambling on and on and on, I'll see y'all tomorrow for a roundup of my favorite drugstore products from 2014.

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