five tips for looking your best (ish) when you're sick

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We've all been there: you're sick as a dog, but you just can't afford to miss any more work. Well, right now, that just happened to me is still happening to me. But I wanted to get my butt into the office on Monday morning looking slightly better than dead, so I thought I'd share my tips. Now, there are a ton of sick day words of wisdom that go un-mentioned in this post (drink tons of water, sleep as much as possible, use eye drops, exfoliate, have a cookie or three, etc.), but these are just the five tips that saved my sad little face's life this week.

Moisturizer. Good god, my skin looks horrendous when I'm ill. It's flat, dry and angry. So, I like to use super heavy night creams (sleeping masks are great) and a great morning moisturizer (I used my Caudalie serum) in order to attempt to bring my complexion back to life. 

Concealer. Undereye concealer in a color one to two shades lighter than your skin will totally change the way you look when you're sick. It will hide your tired eyes, brighten your complexion and lift your face. If you were in a real bind, you could apply moisturizer and a dot of concealer on the darkest parts of your eyes and voila you're suddenly not a zombie anymore. (Or maybe you're just a cuter zombie, but hey, every bit helps!)

Mascara. If you have dark, long, full lashes, I hate you. Well, that, and you can skip this step. But much like the concealer step above, a couple coats of mascara will open your eyes and detract from the rest of your pallid complexion.

Illuminating Blush and/or Bronzer. I used Milani's Luminoso blush & Tarte's Park Ave. Princess bronzer here. They both have a slight sheen, so they really make dry, tired skin look luminous and fresh.

Tinted Lip Balm. UGH. My lips get GROSS when I don't feel well. To cover up my dry, flakey pout, I like a tinted lip balm. The Maybelline Baby Lips are a great option here.

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