awkward & awesome thursday

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Look at that little baby. Pretending to be nice while she uses my hand as a pillow. 

AWKWARD brother tried to mail me a package, but he wasn't paying attention when he was at FedEx, so he accidentally mailed it back to himself... two blocks away... #thesmartesttaylorsibling #butseriouslyhesthesmartestinourfamily

...popping awake in a cold sweat last night at 12:10 because i fell asleep watching old episodes of Charmed on Netflix and they're loud and scary much i actually enjoyed the 50 Shades of Grey movie. i am an intelligent adult. i should NOT have liked that movie as much as i did. now, with that being said, who's going with me to see it again? 

...Fitbit's "Active Minutes" function. like what in the hell are you talking about, i have ZERO active minutes? didn't i just run on the treadmill for 48 minutes? doesn't that mean i have 48 active minutes, plus a couple extra from when i dropped my pen at work and struggled really hard to pick it up without bending over? COME ON.

...when Jessica Simpson's 90s classic "I Think I'm In Love With You" comes on iTunes 90s radio


...the first ever gay couple was legally wed in Texas this morning! AUSTIN, TEXAS, I LOVE YOU!

...fried eggs (all day err day mofckas)

...i bought a shirt at Target on Tuesday that says "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink," and it's pink and i wore it last night. YAAAAS GAGA

...the insane world that is fitness Instagrams. i've never wanted to hug so many people and punch so many people at the same time.

...when Jessica Simpson's 90s classic "I Think I'm In Love With You" comes on iTunes 90s radio

a week in the life of my iphone

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a look back on my tenth day of Lauren Gleisberg's 30x30 challenge

homemade chicken tortellini soup for the sore throat-y man in my life

tulips... before my cat ate them and threw the mug on the ground

a new planner from Anthro and a great book i finished last week

crispy brussels sprouts from Uchi

review: rimmel lasting finish 25 hour liquid foundation

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My Skin: I have non-sensitive, dry to normal skin, and currently use the lightest shades in most foundation ranges. 

Cost: $8

Claims: "Instant perfect coverage that feels extra comfortable and lasts all day. Blends flawlessly, seamlessly, instantly and easily into the skin. Sweat, heat, humidity and transfer proof for up to 25 hours."

Color Range: Seven shades

Finish: Dewy

Lasting Power: 16 hours easy; I haven't worn it for a full 25 hours, though.

Sweat, heat, humidity and transfer proof? OH. Hells to the yes! Last week, I applied this at 7 am, went to work, went on a run, and went to happy hour. When I went to take this off at 11 pm, it looked almost as perfect as it did at 7 am.

Who can wear this? Everybody can wear this. It keeps oil at bay but also provides a dewy finish, so I honestly think anyone from super dry to super oily could pull this off. It may be a bit heavy for mature skin, so if that's your concern, just try to use it sparingly.

Un-Positives: Seven shades? Like. WTF? I could probably pull off 3-4 of the shades, so I guess this foundation is only made for extremely pale people...?

Final Score: 4.9/5. This is practically perfect in every way except for its downright disgraceful color range. Click here to see how this foundation looks when it's freshly applied.

face of the day: bold brows, bolder lips

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face: rimmel lasting finish 25 hour liquid foundation, nars radiant creamy concealer, coty airspun loose powder, nyc mountauk bronze bronzer & milani baked blush in luminoso

eyes: anastasia brow wiz, elf eyebrow kit & tarte gifted mascara

lips: rimmel show off lip velvet in burning lava

hair: l'oreal mousse absolue hair color in 300 pure darkest brown (aka straight up black, liars.)

tuesday tidbits

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1. Is anyone else having an extremely hard time focusing at work lately? I don't know what it is, but I almost have to bribe myself with a shopping spree or a cupcake in order to get my shit done.

2. I made Lauren Conrad's healthy chicken salad last night so that I could take it to work all week instead of eating Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes Lean Cuisines and crying about it. 4/5. Would recommend.

3. Two things: (1) can I run in these? and (2) can I afford these? What's that you say? No to both? Okay, then how about these?

4. Missy Elliott's half-time show.

5. I just really really want to be one of those women who throws her hair in a bun, brushes her teeth and sports her glasses at work and looks really hot/smart/beautiful/funny/cool while doing it. I just am NOT. It makes me the saddest. 

Hilarious Story of the Day that is Not that Hilarious but IS a Story: A few weeks back, I ran into a guy that works in my building. I wasn't wearing makeup, but I mean, I am still absolutely 100% the same human being anyways, right? So I said hi to him, and HE DID NOT RECOGNIZE ME. Not only that, but he was a total d*ck, too. Like, what? Your goatee and tucked in short-sleeved button down shirt make you look so incredibly hot that you can't even be nice to the homeless girl that wanders the office halls?!?!

6. I bought a beginner's photography book in December and I haven't opened it once yet. So much for self improvement/blog improvement, huh, 2015?!

7. It is my boyfriend's and my FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY on Sunday. Alert the presses; I didn't harm him and/or kill him for the past 1,460 days straight. Sometimes I really mess with his head, but that's about it. (Love you, Dane Train.)

8. I once had a journalism professor at UT tell me that you only get to use one exclamation point in your entire writing career. I think about this every.single.time I type "!" but I still push the key and basically tell that guy to "F off." (Sometimes I really do tell this guy to "F off" in my mind, and I feel super empowered.)

9. Anyone want to gorge themselves on sushi with me? What are your plans next week? We can binge-watch Netflix and drink cheap wine, too. I'll buy! Pretty please?

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