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1. Isn't this outfit just perfection?
2. If you've ever wondered what Shia LaBeouf thinks of his own films, you can find out here. Hint: Transformers 3 isn't exaaaaaaactly a favorite of his.
3. Bring it on, Martha Stewart.
4. Uncropped Instagram photos show what life is really like outside of the social media phenomenon.
5. Movie posters made infinitely better with their Amazon reviews included.
6. Houston, you certainly are a strange, strange, land. (Numbers 6 & 7 crack me up so much.)
7. Even though we have two Apple TVs and a Google Chromecast in our wee little apartment, I foresee us buying the new Apple TV in the very near future because its new features are just so great. 
8. All I have to say is: sparkles
9. Brown butter garlic knots. Hallelujah. 
10. In case you've never met a cat before, I highly recommend reading this cat-petting guide before you do so.

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