The Decision to Go Cruelty-Free

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Why don't we just jump back into blogging with a super serious post? Take things slow, you know? Ease into it?

A couple of months ago, I made the decision (for myself & my boyfriend--luckily he has completely approved) to go cruelty-free with any makeup, skin care, body care & hair care products we purchase from here on out.

This all started when I was reading the back of the shampoo bottles in our shower and realized less than half of them were labeled as "cruelty-free" or had a "no animal testing" disclaimer. I started thinking about all the money I spend on make up and skin care (#hoarder) which got me wondering: exactly how much of my money is supporting brands that are rubbing concealer in bunnies' eyes? By the time I got out of the shower, I had made my mind up (I don't know if I've ever made a decision in nine minutes before...).

I'm not going to be preachy about this because the only thing I hate more than soggy french fries when you get to-go food is people pushing their views in other people's faces. The only real effect this will have on the blog and its content is that I'll only be featuring cruelty-free brands. Practically every beauty good I own is from Ulta, Sephora or Target/the drugstore, so rest assured, if you see something you like, it'll be readily available.

I read somewhere that going cruelty-free is the lazy person's way of making a difference, and I almost spit my coffee out I laughed so hard. Literally all I have to do with this decision is not give money to brands that test on animals. Simple as that. And while the ultimate goal is to live a life where everything we're consuming has animals' best interests in mind, this was just the easiest place for me (and the boyfriend) to start.

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