tuesday tidbits

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1. Is anyone else having an extremely hard time focusing at work lately? I don't know what it is, but I almost have to bribe myself with a shopping spree or a cupcake in order to get my shit done.

2. I made Lauren Conrad's healthy chicken salad last night so that I could take it to work all week instead of eating Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes Lean Cuisines and crying about it. 4/5. Would recommend.

3. Two things: (1) can I run in these? and (2) can I afford these? What's that you say? No to both? Okay, then how about these?

4. Missy Elliott's half-time show.

5. I just really really want to be one of those women who throws her hair in a bun, brushes her teeth and sports her glasses at work and looks really hot/smart/beautiful/funny/cool while doing it. I just am NOT. It makes me the saddest. 

Hilarious Story of the Day that is Not that Hilarious but IS a Story: A few weeks back, I ran into a guy that works in my building. I wasn't wearing makeup, but I mean, I am still absolutely 100% the same human being anyways, right? So I said hi to him, and HE DID NOT RECOGNIZE ME. Not only that, but he was a total d*ck, too. Like, what? Your goatee and tucked in short-sleeved button down shirt make you look so incredibly hot that you can't even be nice to the homeless girl that wanders the office halls?!?!

6. I bought a beginner's photography book in December and I haven't opened it once yet. So much for self improvement/blog improvement, huh, 2015?!

7. It is my boyfriend's and my FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY on Sunday. Alert the presses; I didn't harm him and/or kill him for the past 1,460 days straight. Sometimes I really mess with his head, but that's about it. (Love you, Dane Train.)

8. I once had a journalism professor at UT tell me that you only get to use one exclamation point in your entire writing career. I think about this every.single.time I type "!" but I still push the key and basically tell that guy to "F off." (Sometimes I really do tell this guy to "F off" in my mind, and I feel super empowered.)

9. Anyone want to gorge themselves on sushi with me? What are your plans next week? We can binge-watch Netflix and drink cheap wine, too. I'll buy! Pretty please?


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