ikea alex five-drawer storage system

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I bought the Ikea Alex Five-Drawer unit a few weeks back, and I bought three of these utensil holders to go in them (they're $2 a piece!). And they fit perfectly. I mean, there's only about a half inch of extra space between the front of the drawer and the drawer dividers; and the sides of each line up perfectly. I highly recommend them if you're looking into buying an Alex storage system. The Alex also comes in a nine-drawer skinny unit, and a six-drawer wide unit on casters. But if you want something to become a seamless part of a desk, the five-drawer is the way to go. It comes in many different colors and is only $80.

Top Drawer: Powders, primers, concealers, moisturizers, setting sprays & beauty sponges. I use the back for miscellaneous things like Pledge wipes (white desks get dirty so fast it makes my head spin), extra deodorant, headbands and makeup wipes.

Second Drawer: Lip products, blushes, bronzers & highlighters. I put my lip glosses in the back, and my lipsticks in the front since I'm not much of a lipgloss kinda gal. (Actually, I f*cking hate lipgloss, and I'm in the process of getting rid of all of them and giving them to my friends or dumping them in the trash.)

Middle Drawer: Eyeliners, pigments, individual eyeshadows, eyebrow products, mascara & foundations. I know it probably seems random to have foundations in this drawer, but I like that the depth of this drawer allows me to stand all my foundations upright. I've been using a much wider variety of foundations now that I can see them all from a bird's-eye view.

Drawer 4: Samples & eyeshadow palettes. There is also a ton of random stuff shoved in the back of this drawer. #noshame #hoarder

Drawer 5: Nail polish & manicure tools. The polishes I like least are further towards the back, and my gel polishes are in the very back behind my manicure tools. Tip of the Day: If you're thinking about putting your makeup and nail polish in a set of drawers like this, make absolutely sure your polish goes on the very bottom drawer so it doesn't cause your storage to cave in or fall over.

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