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...missing Jaimie's bridesmaids.

...watching "They Came Together," a movie where Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd mock romantic comedies and make you feel uncomfortable for one hour and twenty-three minutes straight. It's a solid C, no matter how much you like Poehler & Rudd.

...reading Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire. I'm only about eight chapters in to the last book in the Cassandra Clare series, but so far, it's good. I had nightmares the last two nights in a row after reading it so, take that for what you will... (P.S. This is YA.)

...eating nectarines. Trader Joes had some bomb-ass California nectarines in the store over the past few days, and I tried my best to eat them all. 

...meaning to watch the last season of "True Blood" but forgetting every damn day to turn it on. I heard Eric and Jason had an... encounter? 

...hating the fact that all my fresh flowers are already dead after three days. #firstwordproblems

...planning tomorrow's blog post. Should I do a "How To Contour" post (thanks for the suggestion, Ash) or an iPhone photo dump or a baking post? 

...craving chicken nuggets (but not letting myself have any) as per ushe. 

...forgetting to wear this amazing anthropologie cardigan I bought a few weeks back.

What are YOU doing on this sticky summer Wednesday?

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