celeb sessions

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I'll admit that I enjoy reading celebrity gossip sites, (Pink is the New Blog is one of the first blogs I read in the morning, and has been for probably five or six years now), and lately, some of the people I find myself inexplicably liking (who are you? I don't know you! Why do I like you?) have been doing some pretty awesome stuff. So I thought I'd recap what some of these ridiculously rich humans have been up to lately...

...Key and Peele are answering ridiculous questions about gay marriage, and consequently, are making me laugh so hard I almost shot coffee out my nose.

...Emma Watson is kicking SO. MUCH. ASS. right now. "Feminism is not man-hating." (And then some assholes on Reddit threatened her for supporting women's rights by saying they'll be hacking her and searching out her nude pictures and distributing them on the internet. Sometimes I really hate people.)

...Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell are confirmed for True Detective Season 2. A scream escaped my mouth when I read about Vaughn joining the cast earlier. It's an interesting move, and I totally love it.

...Chris Pratt is flying out to NYC to start rehearsals for SNL. I CANNOT WAIT. I ALSO CANNOT STOP YELLING.

...Chelsea Handler's first batch of Netflix content is set to start streaming on October 10.

...a Lizzie McGuire reunion? I wonder if I'd enjoy it as an adult or if it would be weird... Probably a healthy mix of both.

...Kim Kardashian's fashion is ON POINT lately. And I know it's due in large part to her diva husband, but hey, whatever works.

Want to fess up and tell me some fun gossip about any of your favorite celebrities or maybe your least favorite celebrities? I know it's probably rotting my brain to read about this stuff on a daily basis, but I just. I like it. So there.

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