currently coveting, craving & caring about...

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...the Duck Tales intro, recreated with real ducks. Dead. I'm dead.

...this necklace. Buy it for me. Now. (It's only $32!)

...this poor kid who was brutally harassed by his classmates via the ice bucket challenge. (I can't even think about this for too long or I start to cry. People. They're just mean.)

...this quote. (Photo from emilybrowndesigns on Instagram (a talented person I'm lucky to know))

...speaking of necklaces, I'll take one of these arrowhead necklaces, too, please.

...The Leftovers. I mean... what... even... happened here?

...the Tiffany & Co Peyton Sachel in Colorblocked Smooth Leather (sorry about the poor photo quality; photo from Are you freaking KIDDING ME WITH THIS BAG?! IS THIS A JOKE?! 

...this drop dead gorgeous, perfectly styled mommy who also happens to be a blogger and who also happens to be a human with the world's most perfect bob.

...this tank top. "Made it down the coast in seventeen hours; pickin' me a bouquet of dogwood flowers." -OCMS

...COTTON CANDY FLAVORED GRAPES. Have any of y'all tried them yet?! I just picked them up at my local HEB, but I've seen bloggers all around the country talking about them.

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