links i love

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1. I would like to thank my loving boyfriend for sending me the link to this video of a lion hugging her rescuer. (If any of you out there have cats, you know all about the nuzzling situation.)

2. Let's keep talking about heartwarming animal stories, shall we? This police dog died saving his human partner, and was given a funeral worthy of a king.

3. I'm sorry I made you cry with those first two links. Will 99 beers fix it?

4. I tried this short hair ponytail idea, but my hair's not quite long enough. Will it work for you?

5. How the 5 Love Languages changed Emily Schuman's relationship with her husband. The boyfriend and I took it, and not surprisingly, we have different love languages. It's an interesting thing to learn about your significant other (and keep in mind when you're butting heads).

6. If Andy Dwyer's quotes were motivational posters. I laughed so hard at this I almost drooled a little bit. ("Everything hurts. Running is impossible.")

7. How would you describe yourself in five words? Right now, I think my words would be happy, productive, cat-lover, lawyer & girlfriend. (On Tuesday, when my car was plotting against me all day, my words would've been pissed, more-pissed, annoyed, screaming and thirsty-for-a-beer.)

8. I'm not one of those girls that has put a lot of (or any, for that matter) thought into their future wedding (I don't have a secret Pinterest board or a shoebox full of bridal magazine cut outs), but wouldn't it be so f*cking cool to get married at City Hall like these fine folks? Something about it is just so alluring.

9. I've been reading How Sweet Eats for three or four years now, and I can't even describe how excited I am that her cookbook is finally on bookstore shelves. Her blog is where I got the recipe for my shrimp sandwiches, among other things.

10. Annnnd, I'll leave you with one more tug-at-your-heartstrings link: this baby hearing for the first time ever.

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