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1. Everything's coming up Chris Pratt these days. (I sincerely hope y'all recognize the "Zoolander" meme, and you don't think I'm some sort of freaky weirdo for posting random pictures of Will Ferrell in a costume.)

2. I don't know why this is proving to be a trend with me, but if you want to cry at your desk today, read the story of this animal shelter's most "un-adoptable cat."

3. Remember how I told you that I'm obsessed with Jurassic Park? You have to see this. When I clicked this link yesterday, I literally said out loud to myself, "GET OUTTA TOWN!"


5. I have a feeling that this Pasta al Limone recipe from Cupcakes & Cashmere is going to change my life. I can't wait until I get to force my boyfriend to make it for me while I sip chardonnay on the couch.

6. Okay, so I watched all of True Detective in one day this past weekend (hey, hey it's only eight hours total). The best way I can think to describe it? A TV version of "The Silence of the Lambs." Annnnd, I'll be honest, that's not a great description.

7. Proof that we are unworthy of breathing the same air as J.K. Rowling.

8. I smell like... beef?

9. Are you freaking kidding me? A home office with Pepto Bismol pink walls? One day my friends, this will be mine. One day.

10. Texas, Texas, YEEHAW.

What have you been loving from around the interwebs this week? Anything amazing that slipped right past me?

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